Tag: blackcomicbooks


Attack of the Serpent King

Superhero of The Empyreal Force® Pharoah-X battles his arch enemy, the sinister Serpent King in Ancient Egypt. Pharaoh-X, one of the most powerful Pharoahs in Ancient Egypt was born in Nubia.  He was used to multiple threats to his power. […]


The Queen of Atlantis’ Heroic Rescue at Sea

   Rescue Alert! – Superheroine of The Empyreal Force®, Eleuthera (Queen of Atlantis) arrives at the Bermuda Triangle accompanied by her guardian shark. In the scene above, she uses her magical trident to calm the seas and helps rescue a […]


Retribution by Dr. Incognito

Superhero of The Empyreal Force® Doctor Incognito intercepts a war criminal near the end of Earth’s World War 2. Who is this sinister villain being judged on the scales in the picture?!?