Tag: electronic comics


Knocked Out!

Superhero of The Empyreal Force® Brass Knuckles discovers terrorist militia bombers trying to escape. One punch each puts them all in comas.


One Million Years B.C.

Superhero of The Empyreal Force® The Eon Soldier battles carnivorous dinosaur creatures during a mistaken time traveling trip back One Million years BC.  He wears a nearly indestructible exoskeleton space suit that enhances his strength 100 times.


Graven – Arch Enemy of The Empyreal Force®

Graven – Arch enemy of The Empyreal Force®. Supervillainess Graven gains her power from all the forgotten idols, graven images, and false gods from ancient millennia and the pagan past. Supernaturally fueled by vanity, superficial admiration, discord and chaos, the […]


Prehistoric Time Trap

Superheroes of The Empyreal Force®, The Kaptivator, The Eon Soldier & Zanthya Supreme attempt to travel back to the 18th century to chronicle and assist Toussaint L’Ouverture in the Haitian Revolution–but mistakenly the Time Translocator takes them back in time […]


Attack of the Serpent King

Superhero of The Empyreal Force® Pharoah-X battles his arch enemy, the sinister Serpent King in Ancient Egypt. Pharaoh-X, one of the most powerful Pharoahs in Ancient Egypt was born in Nubia.  He was used to multiple threats to his power. […]


Hunted by the Shadowcaster

The Superhero Terrell Harbinger is hunted by the Supervillian Shadowcaster in the strange 7th dimension. Aided by his crystal sphere, he can see what pursues him but cannot tell exactly from where he comes.


Retribution by Dr. Incognito

Superhero of The Empyreal Force® Doctor Incognito intercepts a war criminal near the end of Earth’s World War 2. Who is this sinister villain being judged on the scales in the picture?!?