Tag: trackstarr


Trackstarr battles an Alien Shapeshifter

Superhero of The Empyreal Force®, Trackstarr battles a carnivorous shapeshifting alien on the planet Zeta-Omicron. This scene: He uses his Imago-Visors to create a javelin of pure energy from his mind. Hurling it with a form that would have made […]


Superhero Foot Race on the Moon!

Foot race Alert! Trackstarr – Superhero of The Empyreal Force® races against the villain The Silver Speedster (aka Mercury) This scene: Trackstarr outruns him in a race around the moon. His telepathically activated cosmic suit exponentially moves him faster than […]


Retribution by Dr. Incognito

Superhero of The Empyreal Force® Doctor Incognito intercepts a war criminal near the end of Earth’s World War 2. Who is this sinister villain being judged on the scales in the picture?!?